Tuesday, January 11, 2011

John Wells returns to Harvard to teach strategy

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John Wells, former president of IMD in Switzerland, has returned to his alma mater, Harvard Business School. He has resumed his position there as professor of management practice, a title given to business people with strobng academic credentials that are outside the traditional tenure system.

Prof Wells was appointed president of IMD in April 2008, leaving his position at Harvard to take up the post. He quit the Swiss school in June 2010, and was replaced there in December 2010 by long-term IMD professor Dominique Turpin.

Prof Wells works in the strategy unit at Harvard where he teaches the first year core course in strategy and a second year elective course on strategic agility. He also teaches in several executive education programmes.

He received his MBA from Harvard in 1979, which produced many of the most famous and infamous names from the school, including Jeff Skilling, former chief executive of Enron, Meg Whitman, former chief executive of eBay, and Archie Norman, chairman of UK television company ITV.
For the full article, click here.

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